My Father was an art teacher and my Mother was very creative . That is where my art journey began. I did my first and only oil painting at the age of four .I surrounded myself with paints, paper and scissors ,spending many days making something.

When I began my nursing career my pencils and paper were a necessary part of my life. Being creative was the best way to cope with a stressful day. I am still nursing and my art is my escape from life around me. That is what I tell my students, that painting is a form of meditation. Your mind is taken away from those everyday pressures we all face.

I began Botanical art classes in 2000 under the guidance of Terry Napier .His love of nature and art influenced me greatly. I painted in his classes for 19 years most of the time painting gum leaves. The fact that they aren’t perfect is their attraction to me. The classes were renamed Nature in ART as the students were beginning to paint birds and animals. In 2019 I commenced teaching the beginners classes. I now paint birds and animals from photos my son takes on his travels. I love painting and will continue as long as I am able . Remember……..everyday do something that you love.